Do You Have Difficulty Sleeping? Avoid These 9 Activities Before Going To Bed

The current lifestyle, as well as the use of technology and many other factors have significantly decreased the quality of people’s sleep.

Sleep is a fundamental factor for good health, both physical and psychological. Sleep allows people to rest from the activities they do on a daily basis. It helps recharge energy for the next day and contributes to the proper functioning of our entire body.

However, the current lifestyle, as well as the use of technology and many other factors have significantly decreased the quality of people’s sleep. Becoming one of the causes of many health disorders.

There are different factors that can influence sleep deprivation and different sleep disorders. Sometimes, habits are carried out that interrupt the rest without the person realizing it. Here are some activities that are best  avoided before bed to achieve a good night’s sleep.

Sleeping with makeup

Alcoholic beverages

The consumption of alcoholic beverages at first can make you feel sleepy, but this is something that tricks the body.

Once the body begins to metabolize alcohol, the sleep cycle that appears to be restorative is significantly reduced. Sleep disturbance leads to waking up tired and unable to concentrate well.

In addition, alcohol acts as a diuretic, which will cause the need to wake up in the middle of the night wanting to urinate, interrupting sleep.

Electronic devices

There are several studies that have determined the damage caused by the lights of electronic devices in the quality of sleep. The lights emitted by the mobile, the computer, the tablets and even the television can interrupt the sleep.

This is because  they prevent the production of melatonin, which is the sleep hormone. Experts recommend keeping this type of device out of the room and avoiding its use, at least one hour before going to sleep.

Pills or medications

The consumption of pills or other medications can also influence the interruption of sleep. In this case, it is good to consult your doctor and ask if there are other alternatives to consume before sleeping.

For example, antidepressant pills can affect sleep in any way. Sleeping pills can create a dependency and this also affects sleep. Also, pain relievers can upset your stomach and disrupt sleep.

Medicines to stop smoking

Other acts that make it difficult to sleep

Eating spicy and high-fat foods

Eating spicy or high-fat foods before bed can disturb your sleep. This is because they are linked to acid reflux and other stomach problems at night.

For this reason, experts recommend avoiding these foods at night and opting for a light dinner.  Which should be consumed about two hours before going to sleep to give the body time to digest.

Drink tea, coffee, or smoke

Both tea and coffee act as stimulants in the body and prevent a good quality of sleep when consumed at night.

These two drinks have diuretic properties, which will possibly interrupt sleep due to urination. Also, both tea and coffee contain caffeine, which can prevent you from falling asleep.

Similarly, although smokers claim to feel relaxed after smoking, the truth is that the nicotine in cigarettes acts as a stimulant that can cause or worsen insomnia. This is applicable for all types of cigarettes, patches, pipes or anything that contains nicotine.

Intense workouts or working late

The night seems to be the best time to exercise for many people. Some only have this time to play sports and enjoy all the health benefits it brings. However, it is not good to exceed the intensity of the activity since , if it is very intense, it could alter the quality of sleep.

In the same way, many times there is no other option than to work extended hours in order to fulfill the different obligations. However, this should not become a habit, as it can lead to sleep problems, anxiety, nerves, and trouble concentrating.

Sleep bad

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