How To Make Hair Grow Faster

Maybe you have decided to cut your hair and you did not like the result or you are tired of seeing yourself with short hair. Learn in this article how to make hair grow faster.

It is true that long and luxurious hair is the dream of many women, but there are times when we have to wait too long for it to come true. Although it is impossible to work miracles and we must inevitably wait for the passage of time, hair growth could be accelerated a little with the following keys.

Myths of tricks to make hair grow faster

Although a large number of recommendations have been extended to accelerate hair growth, we must warn that many of them do not really have scientific support. These are some examples:

Eat right for hair growth

As indicated by articles from specialized sources, food does not make hair grow faster or stop its fall, despite the fact that some nutrients such as iron influence this process.

For those who suffer from any type of baldness, it is best to start a specific treatment dedicated to the causes of this problem.

Beyond this, it is prudent to consider that a good diet will have a good impact on the general health of the person, which will allow the condition of their hair (along with the skin and nails, for example), to improve considerably.

Avoid washing hair daily

The myth has spread that washing hair every day is inadvisable because the strands take time to recover from the chemicals in the shampoo and conditioner and at the same time to dry completely. However, this is not true.

The reality is that, according to the opinion of the professionals of the Spanish Association of Dermatology and Venereology, the frequency of hair washing depends on the hygiene of each person and the dirt they have each day.

Tips for faster hair growth

Tips for faster hair growth

Beyond the potential efficacy of the following keys, it is always advisable to consult a professional dermatologist to treat any hair-related problems, as well as before making modifications to your daily hygiene.

Fortify hair

If you want your hair to grow faster and healthier, always use cosmetic products to fortify it. For example, both the shampoo and the conditioner must be suitable for your hair type (oily, dry, mixed, damaged, etc.).

Another idea is to apply a mask once a week. This can be done with natural products; the allies in hair nutrition are honey, avocado (it is effective, according to studies) and banana (there are publications that support its use, but there is less evidence than with the other ingredients).

They can also be bought in stores. On these, those that contain elements such as minoxidil and finasteride have proven their effectiveness for hair health.


Always stay hydrated, drinking the amount of water that the health professional recommends  according to your characteristics and needs. Since water is a vital component for the health of the person, it seems appropriate to ensure adequate consumption to keep hair, skin and body in general in good condition.

If you are not used to drinking a lot of water every day, feel free to carry a full bottle with you everywhere. There are people who even program alarms on their mobile to “warn” them that they must hydrate. Another option is to drink infusions, tea and natural juices so as not to get bored with the water.

dry hair2

Moisten with olive oil

A traditional medicine recipe for hair care advises heating a little olive oil and applying it to the scalp. Then, massage and leave for 10 minutes. Finally, rinse and wash as usual.

In addition to taking advantage of the benefits of massage for good blood circulation, it could help you make the scalp healthier, since olive oil contains vitamin E, which is beneficial for hair growth.

Brush hair

Brush your hair twice a day, in the morning and at night. Do it gently and, if possible, moistening it first. In this way, you will stimulate circulation – as with the massages mentioned above.

Home remedies for growth

Next, we will list a couple of alternatives that, despite not being scientifically proven, their use has spread over time. The first option is to use onion, whose effects on hair have been cited in scientific publications but more evidence is still needed to fully confirm them.

To make use of this home remedy, we have to place some peeled and sliced ​​onions in a saucepan in plenty of water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and let it cool.

Then strain and apply to the head as the last rinse. Not only will you make your hair grow faster but it will also add a lot of shine.

Another option is after washing your hair, apply a mixture of half a liter of warm water and ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar, an element that, according to studies, is very beneficial to revitalize the skin and hair.

Avoid products with silicone

Using silicone-containing hair products is often discouraged – although most do – because, according to many people, they only give you the ‘illusion’ that your hair is healthy, but the truth is that they mask the real state of the hair. They are also said to be harmful because they clog the follicles, prevent growth and moisture.

However, it is necessary to clarify that its use is approved in many products without this representing a real danger to health. In fact, there are professional recommendations (but not more rigorous scientific publications) about the application of these cosmetics, which implies having certain precautions.

What do you think of our tips for hair to grow faster, healthier and more beautiful?

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