Discover The Best 6 Ideas To Reuse Household Objects

The vast majority of the objects you have at home can have another use. This applies even to those you don’t even know are there. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to take advantage of a free afternoon to discover what you have stored there and find a way to reuse household objects.

Every day we are bombarded by advertisements that invite us to buy all kinds of accessories and objects for the home. However, many times we fall into them in vain, since we could well manage with what we have at home.

Reusing household items is a trend that is gaining momentum for several reasons. First, because it is cheap and fun. In addition, for many, doing crafts is a way to release tension.

On the other hand, it is also a way of collaborating with the environment. After all, it is one more way to recycle.

Third, it must be admitted that we are somewhat proud to say that we can resist the onslaught of consumerism. After reusing something, you will feel nifty and practical, almost a MacGyver or a MacGyver.

How to reuse household objects?

As attractive as the idea may seem, surely you are wondering what things in the house are useful for these purposes.

Here is a list of objects that you can find new uses for.

1. Glass bottles

blue bottles

Glass bottles, like wine bottles, are very useful to convert into lamps. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • Glass bottles
  • Cable
  • Acetone
  • Thread
  • Sockets for nightlights
  • Screwdriver
  • Scissor
  • Sandpaper

The steps you must follow are the following:

  • First, remove the label from the bottle and leave it very clean. Then, to cut the bottle, start by tying the string and turning it several times at the height you want to cut it. Then tie another knot, remove the string, and dip it in acetone.
  • For the next step, try to wear some type of eye protection. At least they are sunglasses, it doesn’t matter. You should also wear gloves.
  • With the string back in the bottle, proceed to set it on fire. Once done, turn the bottle about 15 times taking it from the other end.
  • Then quickly soak it in a bucket of ice water. You will see that immediately the cut will be made on the bottle.
  • The next instruction is to remove all the edge from the edge with the sandpaper. Take your time and make sure it’s not dangerous anymore.
  • Next, take the wire and peel it at the end. Then,  disassemble the plug and pass the head through the cable first. Then connect the wires to the plug connectors. Finally, screw the other part.
  • As a last step, insert the cable into the bottle from the side without the plug. Finally, put the lamp and connect to the power outlet. Clever!

2. Ripped jeans

You can not only trim them to have beautiful  denim shorts . This in itself is a great idea.

Also, if you have multiple pairs of jeans that you don’t wear, cut out their back pockets. Then sew them together and hang them to use as organizers in any space in the house.

3. Old tires

If you have worn or flat tires, don’t throw them away. You can make some very practical bicycle racks with them.

You just need to cut the tire in the middle to get a semicircle. Do this with everyone you have. Then, secure them to the floor of your patio or at the entrance of your business and voila.

Thus, you will have a fantastic resource for your friends, those of your children or your clients.

4. Folding chairs

In many houses there are still wooden chairs, the typical garden ones that can be folded. With them you can make some fantastic hangers. How?

First, attach the chairs to the wall of your room. Of course, it would be very useful if, first, you paint them and put them in condition.

Once secure, open them and use the seat as a shelf and the leg brackets to hang hangers. You can save a lot of space!

5. Old books

woman with many books

Books are a great way to reuse household items. These are  used to make practical and very sophisticated pots.

To do this, you will need:

  • 1 book
  • Pencil or marker
  • Scalpel or cutter
  • Stones
  • Plants
  • Contact paper roll
  • Rule
  • Glue
  • Brush

You must proceed as follows:

  • First, check a box for the size of the pot. Then cut carefully. You won’t be able to cut everything in one go; go taking pages little by little.
  • If you wish, line the top pages with the contact. Then, glue the leaves that will make up the pot, taking two or three.
  • Then, glue what will be the bottom of the pot, cover with a plastic bag and fill with the stones.
  • Finally, put the plants you want. Of course, they cannot be oversized. Small cacti and that style of plants look great here. The last step is to clean the soles and the top of the book with the brush.

With these wonderful and simple ideas to reuse household objects, you will give a very personal style to your environments. They take very little time, and they can even be great gifts for your loved ones!

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