9 Tips To Combat Constipation Naturally

Staying active is essential to promote peristaltic movements and thus combat constipation.

The most common recommendation to combat constipation is to eat a diet rich in fiber, choosing foods such as fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains and nuts.

However, many people continue to suffer from this disorder despite maintaining a balanced diet.

In this article we give you 9 tips to end the most difficult constipation naturally and we give you some keys related to the functioning of the intestine that you may not have known.

Fight constipation from the cause

To end a disorder naturally, we must take into account the cause that causes it, so as not to limit ourselves to hiding or alleviating the symptoms. For this reason, fighting constipation when it is chronic or complicated can be a complex and different issue for each person.

Below we highlight factors that could be causing or aggravating this intestinal disorder, so that you can overcome it effectively and definitively.

1. Drink water

If we increase the consumption of fiber, following the good advice of any nutritionist, we must also increase the intake of water since, otherwise, we could worsen this disorder.

Drinking water helps us to expel undigested fiber, avoid bloating and facilitate intestinal transit, especially for those people who usually consume foods enriched in fiber or bran. We should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, fasting and separate from meals.

2. Fight your nerves

Many cases of stubborn constipation are caused by states of nervousness that affect bowel movements. In this case, to combat constipation we will have to relax the nervous system with exercise, conscious breathing and natural supplements such as passionflower, lemon balm or lavender.

3. Check your thyroid gland

What to know about the thyroid

It is always advisable that, in the event of any recurring or chronic problem, we carry out tests to know our general state of health.

In the case of constipation, one of the factors that can make it worse for no apparent reason is poor thyroid function. If the analyzes confirm it, our treatment should be focused on regulating the functioning of this gland to indirectly improve intestinal transit.

4. Put an end to sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle affects a large part of the population, not only those who do not practice sports regularly, but also those who usually spend many hours a day sitting down and hardly getting up.

The lack of movement and exercise increasingly immobilizes our abdomen, which needs movement to facilitate intestinal peristalsis. This is essential to push stool out of our body.

5. Beware of laxatives


People who have tried to combat constipation with chemical laxatives or even natural laxatives with irritating effects may eventually suffer from a chronic intestinal disorder. Laxatives should not be more than very sporadic remedies for specific constipation attacks.

If we have consumed laxatives we should take supplements of bacterial flora to repopulate it and foods rich in mucilage such as:

  • Chia seeds
  • Flax seeds
  • Oatmeal
  • Plantain

6. A help for the liver

In some cases, weakened liver and gallbladder function can make it difficult to have a bowel movement. If we have poor digestion, vision problems or premature crow’s feet, it may be our case.

To improve liver and biliary function, we must consume bitter foods and supplements. Opt for those based on milk thistle, dandelion, boldo or artichoke. 

7. Anywhere is good

Fight constipation

Many people cannot go to the bathroom if they are not at home. This bad habit damages, in the long run, intestinal function. For this reason, we must find a way to go to the bathroom whenever our body asks us to. 

8. Key ingredients in your diet

Some foods have very beneficial laxative properties to improve intestinal function in a gentle and natural way:

  • Prunes
  • Ripe kiwi
  • Roasted apple with its peel
  • Chia and flax seeds
  • Cooked oatmeal
  • Psyllium

9. Look at your belly

Our last advice is for you to become aware of your belly and do not hesitate to listen to it to give it what it needs. Sometimes it can be as simple as a self-massage with oil, some caresses or the application of heat for a while before going to bed.

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