9 Incredible Benefits That Apples Provide

If possible, we will get organic apples and consume them with skin, since this way we will obtain more fiber and promote intestinal transit, while fighting retention of liquids

Apples are one of those fruits that can be enjoyed almost any time of the year. It is delicious and rich in nutrients that provide incredible benefits to the body to improve your health.

Its main virtues come from its contribution in antioxidant compounds and pectin. Its action in the body helps to eliminate free radicals and stimulate detoxification.

In addition, it is one of the fruits that provides the most feeling of satiety, so it is highly recommended for those who want to lose weight.

There are many other reasons why this fruit is one of the best that can be ingested daily in the diet. Here are 9 benefits.

1. Apples are good for the heart

The apple contains a significant amount of natural chemicals that exert a powerful antioxidant action to protect the body, according to this study carried out by the University of Reading (United Kingdom).

Thanks to this they can neutralize free radicals that oxidize healthy cells.  These radicals increase the risk of developing heart disease.

On the other hand, its soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol by the intestine and helps regulate its levels.

2. They have diuretic action

Due to their significant potassium concentrations, apples have a diuretic action thanks to the fiber that combats fluid retention  and its associated problems.

Patients with inflammatory diseases or high blood pressure can try eating an apple every day.

However, those who suffer from kidney failure should take it under medical supervision. These diseases require strict control of potassium levels.

3. Fight constipation and diarrhea

Apples fight constipation and diarrhea

A significant amount of insoluble fiber is concentrated in the apple peel, which helps with bowel movements. Thus apples help us to ward off constipation by taking them daily.

On the other hand, a protein called pectin is concentrated in its pulp. This protein participates in the regulation of intestinal transit, reducing water loss during diarrhea.

In the fruit there are also some phytochemicals known as tannins, which have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, as stated in this study carried out by the University of Pisa (Italy).

4. Healthier teeth

Chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva in the mouth, which helps to significantly reduce the bacteria that cause tooth decay and other types of infections.

Although an apple cannot replace a toothbrush and toothpaste, it is quite useful in those moments when you do not have these hygiene items at hand.

5. They help prevent Alzheimer’s disease


Free radicals are some of the many factors that lead to neurological diseases.

Due to its antioxidant content, the intake of natural apple juice has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or premature brain aging.

6. Protect against Parkinson’s

Consuming foods rich in fiber, such as apples, play an important role in preventing Parkinson’s disease. This is suggested by this study by the Apple Association of the United States.

This disease is a degenerative disorder characterized by the deterioration of the dopamine-producing nerve cells of the brain.

Free radicals can influence the development of this disease. Therefore, the antioxidants in apples can help prevent its production.

7. Decrease the risk of diabetes

Apples reduce the risk of diabetes

According to this study carried out by Dr. Manuel Manzano, polyphenols improve insulin sensitivity Its daily consumption is a natural remedy to reduce the risk of diabetes.

8. Help prevent gallstones

Gallstones form when there is excess waste in the system. These elements prevent bile from playing its role in the digestion of fats.

When not being used, the bile solidifies and forms the stones. As a consequence, a series of symptoms arise that significantly worsen health.

Cholesterol is often found among the waste, a component that can be better regulated with a regular consumption of apples. A diet rich in fiber, soluble and insoluble, keeps cholesterol at bay and plays an important role in preventing obesity.

9. Protects the liver

Detoxify the liver

Excessive consumption of junk food or self-medication is increasing the rate of people with various diseases related to liver poisoning.

Although this organ has the ability to purify itself, unnecessary overload makes its work very difficult. Luckily, with the daily intake of natural apple juice you can support your detoxification so that the liver works better.

However, never forget that the best thing for your health is to avoid bad habits. Likewise, when facing any problem, it is best to consult a medical professional who guarantees adequate treatment.

But of course it never hurts to make an effort to introduce beneficial elements such as apples into our diet more often. If you did not know these advantages, we hope they help you to appreciate this fruit more.

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