7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Pear Water

Pear is a fruit that, due to its high nutritional value, has been valued as a dietary supplement. It is an interesting source of fiber and antioxidant compounds.

It is usually eaten in its natural state, since its pulp is sweet and juicy ; however, there are those who prefer to prepare it in juices, salads and a variety of other recipes that take advantage of its flavor and properties.

In fact, its preparation in water has become popular for some time, since it is a new way to enjoy its detoxifying benefits.

It can be included in the regular diet and, if that were not enough, it is ideal for losing weight and preventing some diseases.

As we know that many have not tried it yet, below we want to share in detail its benefits and a simple recipe to prepare it at home.

Don’t stop trying it!

1. Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL)

Fight cholesterol

The fiber that is concentrated in pear water is a nutrient that helps reduce the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL) on the walls of the arteries. These properties, in addition to water and antioxidants, detoxify the blood and prevent heart disease.

2. Relax the muscles

This drink is recommended for athletes and people whose jobs are physically demanding, since it provides essential minerals and antioxidants that help maintain good muscle health.

The pear provides around 210 mg of potassium, a nutrient that regulates the mechanisms of contraction and relaxation of the muscles to avoid cramps and stiffness.

3. Improves digestive health

Supports digestive function

The natural pear drink can be added to the diet as a supplement to promote digestive health, as it provides several benefits. Its fiber regulates the intestinal movement and helps eliminate waste that accumulates in the system.

4. Strengthens the immune system

The vitamins and minerals that accumulate after ingesting this natural drink strengthen the immune system. These include vitamin C and magnesium, two essential nutrients for the proper development of the white line of the blood.

5. Prolongs the feeling of satiety

Appetite, anxiety and satiety

Although for some time the natural sugars in pear were thought to be bad for those trying to lose pounds, today it is known that they can actually help improve the results of a weight loss diet.

This is not only because the fruit provides very few calories, but also because it provides carbohydrates and natural fibers that improve energy expenditure and prolong the feeling of satiety.

6. Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes

Pears contain significant amounts of anthocyanins, compounds that help reduce the accumulation of glucose in the blood.

These substances, added to vitamins and minerals, optimize metabolic functioning and reduce the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes.

We recommend reading: 7 herbs that help you treat type 2 diabetes

7. Prevents premature aging

Prevents premature aging

The antioxidants provided by this wonderful fruit are great allies to prevent premature aging of the skin and internal organs. Its assimilation inhibits the negative effects of free radicals.

How to prepare pear water at home?

How to prepare pear water

Pear water is a very easy drink to prepare and, due to its pleasant taste, it is a good alternative to keep the body hydrated and full of energy.


  • 6 pears
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • The juice of 2 lemons
  • 12 basil leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g) (optional)
  • Ice (optional)


  • Wash the pears well and, without peeling them, remove the core.
  • Add the pulp with the skin to the blender and blend it with two cups of water, the lemon juice and the basil leaves.
  • Process the ingredients until you get a homogeneous drink without lumps.
  • If you like, add ice to taste.
  • Also, if you wish, you can sweeten the drink with the tablespoons of honey.

Consumption mode

  • Drink half a cup of pear water on an empty stomach and repeat its consumption before each main meal.
  • Take it at least 3 times a week to fully enjoy its benefits.

Did you know this way to take advantage of pears? Now that you know how healthy it is, go ahead and prepare the recipe and consume it as a complement to your regular diet.

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