7 Medicinal Plants That Help You Take Care Of Bone Health

Regularly consuming some infusions can be of great help to alleviate different bone problems, such as inflammation or the action of free radicals in our joints.

In this opportunity we want to share 7 medicinal plants that, due to their nutritional contribution, are ideal for protecting and improving bone health.

The bone system is a complex structure whose main function is to provide support and mobility to the body, allowing it to have endless abilities.

It is linked by ligaments, tendons and cartilage and, among other things, interferes with the production of red and white blood cells.

In fact, it also acts as a storage for a large amount of essential nutrients and therefore has a lot to do with immune health. The problem is that it is not exempt from developing diseases and, unfortunately, many external and internal factors can deteriorate it.

As a consequence , strong ailments and inflammatory reactions are generated that, as they progress, significantly affect the quality of life.

However, these conditions can be avoided, as practicing healthy habits and some natural remedies help strengthen bones.

Medicinal plants that would help improve bone health

1. Basil


Basil is a popular herb whose calcium intake is beneficial for bone health.

This essential mineral keeps bone pieces strong and prevents wear associated with the changes of aging.

  • Consume it as an addition to your salads and soups, or prepare it as an infusion.

2. Alfalfa

Alfalfa sprouts are rich in essential minerals that, after being assimilated in the body, strengthen bone health. Its anti-inflammatory compounds help to inhibit the negative action of free radicals and, incidentally, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. This is suggested by this study from Shandong Agricultural University.

It is worth mentioning that it also has effects similar to estrogens, which are decisive in preventing the loss of bone density.

  • This plant can be added to salads and natural juices.
  • Optionally found in tablets and supplements.

3. Willow

Willow bark infusion

Willow is a plant rich in salicylic acid, a substance with an analgesic effect, according to this study by the University of Buenos Aires, which helps control bone ailments.

Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant power restores bone health, preventing mobility problems. It also improves pain, swelling and stiffness of the joint, it is used in osteoarthritis, arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago.

  • For these purposes, the consumption of its infusion is recommended, maximum 2 times a day.

    4. Dandelion

    While dandelion is popular for its diuretic effects, it should be noted that it also has nutrients that support bone health.

    It provides minerals such as calcium and magnesium, both necessary to maintain bone density.

    Its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties improve circulation and prevent cardiovascular problems . This is stated in this study from CHA University (South Korea).

    • Take the plant in infusion, maximum 3 times a day.

    5. Green nettle

    Nettle benefits

    One of the benefits of nettle has to do with its ability to protect bone health against deterioration caused by free radicals in the environment.

    Green nettle is very rich in calcium and silicon among other minerals. It can be consumed as a vegetable-type food, since it is very common, in the form of salad or purees or like any other vegetable. In addition to being used as a medicinal plant in its various forms of presentation: extract, tablets, capsules, etc.

    • To take advantage of its properties we must consume 2 small cups of infusion a day.

    6. Ponytail

    Horsetail is a plant full of nutritional virtues that, after being absorbed into the body, benefit bone and joint health.

    This study from the University of Freiburg (Germany) affirms that it has anti-inflammatory properties that can facilitate the relief of pain, inflammation and other symptoms that usually afflict this system.

    Also, it is known for its remineralizing properties as well as helping to maintain the collagen of the connective tissue, increasing the elasticity of the tissues. This is stated by this research from RTM Nagpur University (India).

    • Drink 2 or 3 cups of horsetail tea a day, at least 3 times a week.

    7. Chamomile

    Chamomile infusion

    Chamomile is one of the most popular plants in the catalog of alternative natural medicine. Many take advantage of it for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory power, according to this study from Case Western University (United States).

    What few know is that it is also good for bone health. Not only for its anti-inflammatory power, but for its content of essential minerals. Its intake reduces the swelling that affects mobility and, incidentally, lubricates the cartilage and ligaments that join the bones.

    • Enjoy the infusion daily, up to 3 times a day.
    • Use it externally, in baths or compresses, in cases of pain and inflammation.

    Finally, remember that there are several plants whose properties could help keep bones strong and protected. However, we advise you to consult with your doctor before following any treatment.

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