7 Foods That You Should Not Eat At Night

Eating a healthy dinner is as important as the rest of the main meals.

Although many overlook it, the foods eaten at this time of day play a fundamental role,  both in the quality of sleep and in the physical and mental energy of the body the next day.

Even the nutrients obtained with it allow the metabolism to be kept active and, in turn, participate in the digestive processes.

The problem is that many make mistakes when choosing foods for this time and, because of this, the body becomes overloaded and stops fulfilling important functions.

As a consequence,  the tendency to suffer from sleep disorders increases and metabolic difficulties occur due to changes in the activity of some hormones.

In addition, discomforts such as acid reflux often occur which, by causing a burning sensation in the stomach, prevents a good night’s sleep.

Due to this, it is essential to know what foods should not be eaten at these times of the day and, of course, to look for lighter and healthier alternatives.

Find out!

1. Red meat

Red meat

Red meat is full of proteins and fats that tend to make it difficult for the digestive system to work.

Although they can be consumed in a moderate way, it is best to avoid them at night to avoid sleep interruptions.


  • Eat moderate portions of meat, preferably during lunch.
  • Try to choose top quality meat, and avoid those with high-fat parts.

2. Broccoli

This green vegetable is full of essential nutrients that, in exchange for very few calories, help keep the body healthy and fit.

Despite this, its nighttime intake is discouraged, since its sulfur and fiber compounds are a little more difficult to digest.

These increase the production of gases in the intestine and, during the night, can cause an upset stomach.


  • Prepare your recipes with broccoli during lunch.
  • Consume it raw or boiled to make the most of its properties.

3. Cheese

The cheese

Cheese, either by itself or added in recipes, should not be consumed at night because of the reactions it causes to the body.

This provides an amino acid known as tyramine that, after assimilating, reduces the production of hormones that regulate sleep.

It can also cause a mild inflammatory reaction that causes digestive symptoms and headaches.


  • Avoid consuming cheese during dinner, no matter what its presentation is.
  • Opt for other dairy products such as milk and yogurt, whose supply of tryptophan promotes sleep.

    4. Stuffed meats

    The inclusion of sausage meats in the diet should be quite low, since they are foods rich in fats and chemical compounds that are harmful if taken in excess.

    These should not be consumed at night, since they are irritating to the digestive system and can cause discomfort such as acid reflux.


    • If you want to eat these types of foods, do so during breakfast or lunch.
    • Consume them only occasionally, accompanied with healthy foods such as whole wheat bread and vegetables.

    5. Sweets


    All candies and sweets made with refined sugar can influence sleep problems, especially if consumed just before going to bed.

    These increase blood sugar levels and, by not being used as energy sources, slow down the metabolism.

    In addition, its effects on the brain can increase stress and influence nightmares.


    • Limit your daily sugar intake and avoid them altogether overnight.

    6. Hot sauces

    They are delicious and can enhance the flavor of many dishes. However, if consumed at night they can alter the production of acids in the stomach and cause irritation and heartburn.

    This, added to the fact that they provide many calories, are sufficient reasons to eat them in moderation, at other times of the day.


    • Limit chili and other hot sauces.
    • Try to prepare your homemade sauces to avoid the intake of chemical additives.

    7. Carbonated drinks

    Soft drink

    Consuming carbonated beverages can, over time, affect the health of your metabolism.

    The problem is even greater when taken at night, as they increase blood glucose levels and cause sleep difficulties.

    Its compounds irritate the stomach and increase the recurrence of symptoms such as inflammation and reflux.


    • Replace carbonated drinks with water or natural infusions.
    • If you decide to take them, do it occasionally, during the day.

    Do you usually eat these foods during dinner? Now that you know why you shouldn’t eat them at this time, try to avoid them as much as possible.

    Of course, make sure you have a good dinner, with light meals, since it is not good to skip this meal.

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