7 Foods That Increase Or Cause Cellulite

Remember that most of the foods we eat already contain salt so, to avoid making cellulite worse, do not abuse. Choose to dress your dishes with aromatic herbs and lemon

Surely you have read about home remedies to treat and reduce cellulite, but you still do not know what factors can aggravate it. Perhaps that is why the natural treatments or creams you are using are not giving the results you expect.

In the following article, you will learn about the foods that promote cellulite so that you can eliminate them from your diet.

What causes and worsens cellulite?

The so-called “orange peel” is a condition that mainly affects women, although it also occurs in men. It appears mostly on the thighs and buttocks.

These are fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue. Although it is related to obesity, it also develops in thin people.

To eliminate or avoid cellulite, it is recommended to do physical exercise, drink plenty of water or perform massages to improve circulation.

In addition to avoiding very tight pants and sitting for many hours a day, it is good that you also stay away from the following foods:

The sweets

Yes, we know that they are delicious and that we cannot live without them. However, to have a smooth and soft skin, without unpleasant pockets, you should reduce the intake of sweet products to the minimum possible, especially industrial ones.

Sweets increase the amount of fat in the body and aggravate the problem of cellulite. Cookies, pancakes, chocolates and candy are delicious, but also rich in trans fatty acids, which are highly inflammatory.

Excess sugar in infusions is also bad, especially if we use refined sugar, because it is not transformed into energy, but accumulates in different parts of the body, especially in the legs, hips and belly.

You can substitute it for stevia or brown sugar. Have some dark chocolate if you are a big fan of sweet things.

The fats

The food we eat today is full of unhealthy fats. The hamburgers, pizzas, fried foods, hot dogs, French fries and everything that they sell in fast food houses are the number one enemy of your body, including your skin.

They cause such a build-up of fat that we then see unsightly pits on our thighs or buttocks. Also avoid consuming whole dairy products (not skimmed), mainly margarine, whipped cream, cream and butter.

You should also reduce fried foods, as well as all the products that we buy in the market and contain trans fats. The group of meats that are not recommended for those who want to reduce cellulite are red meats and sausages (salami, ham, sausages, bacon and sausages).

The salt

Sodium (or all foods that contain it in quantity) are enemies of your health in several respects. First of all, because it produces fluid retention, a perfect state for the appearance of cellulite. It is advisable not to consume more than 1.5 grams of salt a day.

Try not to cook with too much salt, use herbs to season the food, and not bring the salt shaker to the table, to avoid the temptation to add more to the plate.

And, in addition, opt for sea salt or Himalayan salt (pink) instead of common table salt. At the same time reduce the intake of snacks or overly salty snacks such as French fries or some types of cheese.


The drinks

These drinks are harmful to health in general. Soft drinks, especially cola, have a lot of sugar and also chemicals. Some people believe that consuming the light or zero version of these products is the best option, but that is not true.

To drink, water, always. And if you don’t want to get bored or are not used to it, choose natural fruit juices or cold herbal teas.


Refined flours

The white ones. They are present in most of the foods we consume on a daily basis. Non-whole grain bread, crackers, rice, and pasta are bad for your cellulite reduction plan. This is because they have a large amount of yeast that is difficult to metabolize.

If you can’t live without eating bread, you can knead it yourself with whole wheat flour, for example, or half and half with ordinary flour. If you buy it, try to get the black ones with seeds.


Mayonnaise and mustard, as well as spicy dressings and ketchup, are also declaring war on your skin and teaming up with cellulite.

You can make your own dressings using more natural herbs and seasonings, as well as gradually reducing your intake of these products. Especially the ones you buy in the market.

Instead of purchased tomato sauce, choose to make the accompaniment to pasta with natural tomatoes, for example. Do not add mayonnaise to everything you eat or try making it with egg and lemon juice.

In naturist houses you can also get the mustard grains and prepare your own recipe.

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