7 Exercises You Can Do At Home To Get The Tail Out

To achieve firm and defined buttocks we must adopt a routine of daily exercises that allow us to work the muscles of this part of the body.

Showing off firm and well-defined buttocks is part of the benefits of exercising every day. And for that, you don’t need to go to a gym. Because there are many exercises that you can do at home to get a tail.

In order to get good results, you must be consistent and disciplined when exercising. It will be useless if you make a couple of movements, once a month or a week.

Remember that the exercise should be repeated two or three times a week in order to appreciate the changes.

7 exercises you can do at home to get the tail off

Let’s see below what are the exercises you can do at home to get a tail and show off a well-defined rear.

1. Bridge

Bridging exercise for scoliosis

The bridge is an excellent exercise to get the tail.

  • To do this, lie down on a mat and raise your knees, but leaving your feet flat on the floor.
  • You have to lift the entire trunk, maintaining a good extension.
  • For greater effectiveness, go up and down at a slow pace and don’t touch or lay on the ground when you go down. That will increase tension and work your glutes much better.
  • It is advisable to perform five sets of 10 repetitions.

2. Squats

Squats are the quintessential exercises to stick out the tail. You should start from a standing position, keeping your back straight. Also, we must have the legs slightly separated at the level of the shoulders and the abs contracted.

  • To perform these exercises correctly, you must keep your back straight at all times and your chest upright.
  • When going down, you should not lean on the floor at any time.
  • To be effective, do five sets of ten reps.

Another variant of the squat is to use dumbbells of moderate weight or to walk doing the squats. This increases the difficulty and has a greater effect on the glutes.

3. Jumping jacks

Although these exercises are dismissed for pulling the tail, the truth is that they are great for toning the muscles. They also help slim down the love handles that form on the hips.

In turn, it shapes and plumps the buttocks and tones the thighs to present a great figure. Therefore, do not stop doing them for a very firm body.

4. Climb stairs

Girl jogging up stairs.

Climbing stairs in the form of exercises is great for the glutes. Of course, this exercise should be done jogging and not walking, or else, it will never have the effect you want to get more tail.

  • Also, you can use dumbbells at the ankles to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • You can look for stairs of about 20 to 30 steps, to have a routine that has the appropriate demand.

5. Back kick or horse kick

This is one of the most effective exercises to lift your glutes. The back should be kept  straight at all times to avoid muscle aches.

As in the previous case, you can use moderate weight dumbbells to increase muscle work. This will speed up the process of obtaining fuller and rounder buttocks.

6. Running

Couple stretching for a run.

Running a few miles a day is great for your glutes. And also, it is a cardiovascular exercise that helps you stay in shape.

  • You can start with one kilometer a day, and work your way up as you gain more resistance.
  • The ideal is to run between 5 and 7 kilometers a day, to maintain a good figure.

7. Squeeze your glutes

This exercise has the advantage that you can do them anywhere. Even when you’re at work sitting down.

  • Squeeze your glutes for 30 seconds, and then relax them.
  • Repeat the exercise as many times as possible.

Having a very round and bulky tail requires effort and dedication, but the result is worth it. You don’t need to venture into cosmetic surgery to lift your buttocks. Therefore, get to work on these exercises that we have indicated, and you will see the results in no time.

You will begin to notice the improvement after 60 days of exercise, if you do the routine for long enough. Remember that you should practice a minimum of one hour of exercise two or three times a week, so that the results are visible. Take the test and you will notice it without a doubt.

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