7 Benefits You Did Not Know About Licorice

Beyond a sweet, licorice is a plant whose root can have multiple benefits for the digestive system. Before consuming it, we should consult with the specialist to avoid problems

When we think of licorice, the idea of ​​a treat automatically comes to mind. We can also imagine a pill that reduces respiratory discomfort.

However, this root is much more than that. In the following article we will tell you what its main benefits and contraindications are.

Licorice properties


The medicinal uses of this plant are really varied. The most used element of licorice is the root, which contains a component called glycyrrhizin.

The old way of making remedies with it was to simmer it in a copper saucepan and then pound it into a paste. Then it was left to dry in the sun. Today this process has been replaced by steam chambers.

Health benefits of licorice

Among the main benefits of licorice we can highlight:

1. Improves the digestive system

Being an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antacid herb, it prevents stomach heaviness, reduces flatulence and prevents indigestion.

It is also recommended for intestinal problems such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

As if it were not enough, licorice counteracts heartburn and prevents the formation of sores in the mouth.

2. Protects the liver


The intake of glycyrrhizin helps in liver function because it allows to more easily eliminate the toxic substances accumulated in this organ.

Thus, licorice is recommended for people suffering from liver disease B or cirrhosis.

It is also useful for those who wish to carry out cleansing or liver decongestion diets.

3. Reduces respiratory diseases

Perhaps one of its main properties is anti-inflammatory, very suitable for the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

  • Licorice is recommended if we have sore throats, pharyngitis or laryngitis.
  • By consuming a decoction of the crushed root, we can properly treat sore throats, asthma and colds. It is an ideal ally to fight the flu.

    4. It is antidepressant

    Licorice has the ability to fight depression as it provides a large amount of nutrients (calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, etc.) that act efficiently on the nervous system.

    It lifts spirits in people with chronic fatigue syndrome and is also good for women in the menopausal stage.

    5. Reduce body temperature

    Licorice can help us if in summer we expose ourselves excessively to the sun or heat and suffer the consequences.

    It is ideal to combat dehydration and heat stroke as well as to quench thirst.

    For its part, it is recommended to treat altitude sickness due to its antiplatelet principles of the blood.

    6. Helps to quit smoking

    To smoke

    Those who smoke can replace cigarettes with a licorice root.

    • Sucking on this plant helps reduce the urge to smoke and oral anxiety.
    • In addition,  its components detoxify the body of nicotine and other toxic substances that accompany tobacco.

    7. Strengthens the immune system

    If for some reason our defenses are weakened, we can use licorice as a “barrier” that prevents the entry of different microorganisms.

    For example, it is very good at treating the herpes virus and conditions caused by fungi.

    Contraindications of licorice

    Although this root is very beneficial, it also has side effects and is not indicated in certain people:

    • It is not advisable to follow a licorice treatment for more than 4 consecutive weeks.
    • One of the main problems of excessive consumption is intoxication.
    • It can also cause fluid retention or hypertension.

    Who can not use licorice?

    1. Pregnant

    During pregnancy it is not recommended to consume this root because it can cause an abortion or premature birth. This is because licorice favors the production of prostaglandin, a lipidic substance that is responsible for preparing the cervix and helping to dilate it. Therefore, it could speed up labor.

    Also, how it can affect hormone levels; It is also not recommended during the lactation stage.

    2. Women with premenstrual syndrome

    PMS and menstrual cramps

    The plant can increase swelling in the lower abdomen and fluid retention (something in itself common at this stage of the menstrual cycle).

    It can also unbalance hormonal processes even more.

    3. Hypertensive

    Licorice increases blood pressure, therefore it is not advisable in people prone to this condition.

    Neither should those who take medications for hypertension take it because it could interfere with the effects of the pills and alter potassium levels.

    4. Diabetics


    Patients with type II diabetes cannot consume this root as it is hypoglycemic and hypertensive.

    5. Patients with kidney problems

    Those who suffer from insufficiency, kidney stones or urinary infection cannot consume licorice as it increases diuresis by eliminating potassium and, at the same time, causes fluid, sodium and chlorine retention.

    6. Women with cancer

    Cancers related to the female reproductive system (uterus, ovaries, etc.) as well as endometriosis are characterized by a great estrogenic hormonal sensitivity.

    This condition can be increased with some of the components of licorice. However, some studies maintain that licorice may be beneficial as an accompaniment to breast cancer treatment.

    7. Cardiac patients

    Because the consumption of this root can cause fluid retention. This makes heart failure worse.

    In addition, the plant has cardiotonic properties, which is why it produces tachycardias.

    8. People who consume certain medications

    Licorice intake is contraindicated in the case of those who are under treatment with corticosteroids, anticoagulants, contraceptives and drugs that influence potassium levels in the body.

    As always, we remind you that before starting a treatment with a natural remedy, you should consult your doctor.

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