6 Sugary Sauces To Avoid If You Want To Have A Healthy Diet

Sauces and dressings are delicious food supplements that enhance the flavor of salads, rice and other recipes.

For years the industry has been in charge of playing with many ingredients and offering a wide range of flavors for all tastes.

However, since they also use chemical additives for their preservation,  their regular consumption could be harmful to health.

And it is that, although we ignore it, they concentrate an excessive number of calories and substances that can affect the metabolism.

For this reason, if you are looking to maintain a healthy diet, it is best to reduce your intake or opt for other alternatives. As we know that many are not clear about what they are, below we want to reveal the main 6.

1. Barbecue sauce

barbecue sauce

The barbecue sauce that they distribute in stores and supermarkets usually has high doses of high fructose corn syrup in its composition.

This ingredient has a high glycemic index and its intake is related to uncontrolled blood sugar levels.

2. Light sauces

Despite the fact that their label makes them seem healthier compared to other presentations, light or light sauces are harmful and inconvenient for a healthy eating plan.

Although their fat content is lower, they contain sugars, preservatives and other substances that can affect metabolism.

The most worrying thing is that consumers tend to ingest them in excess, since they are convinced that they are not harmful.

3. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise and oils

Mayonnaise is one of the sauces with the highest fat and calorie content that we can find on the market.

A serving of two tablespoons reaches up to 200 calories, added to its additives and artificial preservatives. Instead it is convenient to prepare a homemade mayonnaise with olive oil, or opt for an exquisite avocado mayonnaise.

4. Honey mustard

Although mustard is one of the healthiest and most delicious condiments, the sauce made with it and honey is not so good for your health.

The honey mustard that they distribute in supermarkets has a high content of fructose syrup and refined sugar that, in excessive amounts, leads to the development of diabetes. In addition, since it is rich in calories, its intake prevents weight loss.

The good news is that it can also be prepared naturally and at home, with mustard and honey.

5. Tomato sauce

Italian tomato sauce

Unfortunately for many, tomato sauce is included in the list of those that are not good for health and weight.

Although it is delicious and goes very well with many recipes, its consumption can cause metabolic disorders and overweight.

Since most do not ingest it in moderate amounts, it can lead to imbalances in the pH of the blood, accumulation of fat and digestive problems.

In addition, a tablespoon can provide up to 8 grams of sugar, which is excessive and harmful. Therefore, it is best to prepare a homemade tomato sauce, with organic tomatoes and natural seasonings.

6. Tartar sauce

Tartar sauce is a very famous product that is used for recipes with seafood, vegetables or fried meats.

This has a particular and different flavor to mayonnaise, since it usually contains fine spices and other additives that make it more addictive.

However, it is made with saturated oils and high in calories, which could significantly damage body weight.

Although consuming small amounts does not represent a risk, it is best to prepare it with natural ingredients, based on vegetable oils such as olive, avocado or rapeseed.

Do you include these sauces in your diet? Now that you know that they can harm you, try to reduce their consumption and look for healthy alternatives to enjoy them without any regrets.

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