6 Simple Tips To Lose Weight After Christmas

To lose weight we must set realistic goals and not trust miracle diets, as they tend to have a rebound effect. The ideal is to make a change in the way you perceive food.

Enjoying Christmas  usually results in gaining a few extra kilos  for having overindulged with food and drink. However, losing weight can be a simple challenge if we follow these tips.

Discover in this article 7 tips that will help you lose weight without sacrifices and without starving. In this way you can improve health. Keep in mind that a good body composition is related to a lower risk of getting sick in the medium term.

Losing weight with common sense

Miracle diets do not make sense if we want to lose weight in a healthy way and avoid the rebound effect. The important thing is to change some of the habits and temporarily eliminate certain foods from the diet. Maintaining a good attitude and being consistent is essential to achieve this. A long-term balanced diet should be chosen.

Keep in mind that the goal is always to prioritize the consumption of fresh products over processed products of industrial origin. This class of edibles has been shown to be capable of increasing the incidence of complex pathologies.

7 tips to lose weight

If you put the following tips into practice, you will achieve greater efficiency in reducing fat tissue.

1. Take it easy

Lose weight calmly

Don’t be obsessed with losing weight in a week, as the important thing is to adopt good habits. Weight loss will come naturally

Losing weight suddenly often causes the body not to get enough nutrients. If we do not provide everything you need, we can feel fatigued or irritable.

You should think about 1-3 months to see satisfactory results. The great advantage is that you will also feel greater energy and vitality, as well as a very positive mood.

In spite of everything, there are some dietary protocols that manage to increase the speed at which the results are produced, also improving the state of health. One of them is intermittent fasting. Its effects have been proven and it is a totally safe practice. However, it must be supervised by a professional.

2. Set a goal

Set yourself a goal and avoid looking at the scale every day. There are many factors that influence weight and that can make us gain it, such as fluid retention or an increase in muscle mass. For this reason we should not obsess over the scale.

It is important that we set ourselves a long-term goal, with which we believe that we will feel good.

3. Make three food lists

Before you start, spend some time preparing three food lists:

  • Green list: Healthy foods that we can eat every day. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, dairy, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, white meat.
  • Yellow list: Foods we can eat a few times a week. Red meat, wholemeal flours.
  • Red list: Foods that we should not eat. Fried foods, pastries, sweets, ice creams, soft drinks, refined flours, pre-cooked food, sauces, cream.

These lists must be personalized with the foods we usually eat, to make it easier for us to choose each menu. We can put it in the fridge.

One way not to eat any food on the red list is to not buy it. That way we won’t even have the chance.

4. Includes a good amount of fiber

When the goal is to lose weight without starving, it is crucial to optimize your fiber intake. This substance is capable of increasing the feeling of satiety, according to a study published in the journal European of Clinical Nutrition . This reduces the risk of snacking on unhealthy foods between meals.

You can also choose to drink a glass of water before meals, with the same objective. This will significantly reduce anxiety.

5. Chew every bite

Chewing helps you lose weight

As simple as that. Chewing each bite well allows us to enjoy food more, facilitates digestion and assimilation of each food and increases the feeling of satiety.

This is the easiest tip to put into practice, although it is one of the hardest things to do.

6. Drink water outside of meals

Drinking water throughout the day will keep us hydrated so that the body works properly.

In addition, it improves digestion, helps eliminate toxins and fluids from the body, and helps us feel full.

7. Choose physical exercise well

Do physical exercise to lose weight

It is not necessary to train more, but to train better. Instead of spending hours in the gym, choose interval exercise. Short periods of time of medium intensity are alternated with short breaks, and repeated several times.

Strength work is also essential. This allows us to tone up and will help us lose weight with two or three half-hour sessions per week.

Change your weight loss habits

Getting to improve body composition depends a lot on eating and lifestyle habits. For this reason, it is important to become aware of the need to change your diet, in addition to practicing physical exercise on a regular basis. In this way, the results will be consolidated in the medium term.

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