6 Recipes Rich In Vitamin C

Would you like to learn how to prepare various recipes rich in vitamin C? The recommended daily dose of vitamin C is very easily achieved through diet. Vitamin C is necessary because it fulfills several essential functions in the body.

This nutrient intervenes in metabolic processes , is a powerful antioxidant and helps to strengthen the defenses. In addition, it participates in the formation of collagen for the skin, which is why it also helps maintain joints, bone density and facilitates healing.

If you want to increase your contribution, in the following space we give you some recipes with foods rich in vitamin C that also add variety and flavor to your daily menus.

Recipes rich in vitamin C that you should add to your diet

1. Healthy tomato and pepper pizza

Prepare a delicious Neapolitan-style pizza

Tomatoes and peppers are natural sources of vitamin C. By combining both ingredients, you can prepare a delicious, low-calorie pizza. 

  • On a pizza dough made with whole wheat flour, put a layer of fried tomato.
  • Then, make a sauce with chopped tomato, red and green pepper, onion, a pinch of salt, basil and pepper. It is preferable that the sauce is not overcooked, so that the vegetables retain their vitamin C.
  • Spread the sauce on the pizza dough and add cheese and oregano.
  • To finish, bake until the desired doneness.

2. Fruit salad rich in vitamin C

This recipe, besides being very simple, is perfect for an extra intake of antioxidants and vitamin C.

  • First, chop oranges, guavas, and pineapple.
  • Add orange juice, lemon and honey to sweeten.

3. Sauteed vegetables

  • To make this preparation, julienne a red pepper, a green pepper, a piece of pumpkin and an onion. On the other hand, peel two potatoes, cut them into slices and put them to cook.
  • Once cooked, mix everything in a suitable container and season with soy sauce, optional pinch of salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder, tarragon, nutmeg and olive oil.
  •  Finally, sauté briefly with extra virgin olive oil.

4. Radish salad


Another recipe rich in vitamin C is this radish salad. It is a simple preparation that, in turn, has antioxidants and minerals that are key to promoting well-being. 

  • To prepare it, start by cutting the washed lettuce and putting it in a container.
  • Next, add the sliced ​​radishes.
  • On the other hand, cut the red pepper and add it.
  • Then season with lemon juice, olive oil and salt to taste.

5. Vegetable wok

Foods rich in vitamin C include red, green and carrots; so a good way to enjoy these ingredients in a tasty and delicious way is to make a vegetable wok .

To make this recipe you need these ingredients:

  • 1 red pepper.
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 eggplant.
  • Soy sauce.
  • 1 zucchini.
  • 1/2 onion.
  • 1 green pepper


  • The first thing you have to do is wash all the vegetables and cut them into thin strips.
  • When you have it ready add a splash of oil in the wok.
  • Then add, first, the onion and carrot and when they seem golden brown, add the rest of the vegetables. You should sauté everything for a couple of minutes.
  • Rectify the salt and add a little soy sauce to season this recipe.

6. Spinach and white bean omelette

Green leafy vegetables are very rich in vitamin C, as well as legumes. Therefore, a recipe rich in vitamin C is the one that we offer you below.


  • 300 grams of fresh spinach
  • 200 grams of cooked white beans
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  • The first thing you should do is bring the spinach to a boil. To do this, put a little water in a pot and when it starts to boil add the spinach.
  • After 10 minutes you remove them from the heat and drain them by pressing hard to extract the excess water.
  • The beans may be already cooked, but if you prefer them to be dry, you should soak them the day before and then boil them.
  • Once you have the beans and spinach ready, you will have to beat the eggs adding both ingredients to the mixture. Rectify with salt and, if you want, you can add a pinch of pepper.
  • You have to beat until the egg is foamy and the ingredients have been mixed Then, put a little oil in a pan and when it is hot, pour the mixture.
  • Let it cook on one side and then flip the tortilla to finish cooking.

    Do you want to increase your dose of vitamin C? So do not hesitate to include these recipes in your regular diet. As you just noticed, they are very healthy and you can prepare them in no time.

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