6 Mistakes When Kissing

A kiss is an act, an expression of love and a fundamental gesture in a relationship. It allows us to show that person all our affection in a thousand and one ways. However, it is true that not everyone has mastered the art of giving a good kiss.

Sometimes we want with all our might to lengthen the time of the kiss, other times, on the contrary, we want to run away. Why can that moment that could be so special be ruined? Below we will tell you what are the 6 mistakes when kissing that many tend to make without realizing it.

6 possible mistakes when kissing

The kiss is an act that says a lot and that, in most cases, it is essential that it is executed in the correct way. P It can happen that a person attracts us a lot, but when we kiss them, we see that they do not do it well and, then, part of the charm is lost.

Faced with this situation, there are those who give up the relationship. However, some decide to go ahead and provide an opportunity to improve. In those cases, one may be encouraged to guide the other and thus teach them to kiss in a pleasant way. To kiss well, the first thing we have to take into account is the person and the moment.

How’s the person? Introverted? Extroverted? Where are they found? Are they alone? The truth is that a kiss can make the moment unforgettable, for better or for worse. Here is our list of mistakes that you should avoid at all costs because kissing is a technique that is worth improving.

How to kiss a man.

1. Too much saliva

Without a doubt, this is the first of the mistakes made when kissing. In addition to the lips and tongue, saliva also participates in kisses, but too much of it makes that all-important contact really unpleasant. So avoid opening your mouth too wide so that you can swallow saliva as you kiss.

2. Bad breath

Nobody wants to kiss a person with unpleasant breath. In addition to good oral hygiene, you should watch out for possible halitosis problems. Do not forget to rinse your mouth with a rinse or always keep gum or candy on hand.

3. Think of something else

Being focused on the act of kissing is essential to do it well. So don’t think about anything else, focus on the moment and feel the kiss. This will make you get carried away by your feelings for the other person and end up doing it wonderfully.

4. Too much tongue

Using too much tongue is another of the mistakes made when kissing. Of course you need your tongue to kiss, but that does not mean that you should take it to all corners of your partner’s mouth and, thus, turn pleasure into discomfort. Avoid overdoing it.

5. Clash of teeth

The teeth do not participate in the kissing game. Therefore, be careful when making contact, lest a lack of beat leads you to hit your teeth. This will most likely disrupt the concentration of the kiss and create an awkward moment.

6. Bites

It bites on the neck, shoulder or back, but watch your mouth! A kiss is not the best time to hit a Moorish on your partner. You can produce pain instead of pleasure and completely ruin the moment.

Some interesting data

There are a number of interesting facts about kisses that are worth taking into account to raise awareness of the fact that the technique used is not something to underestimate. These include the following:

  • An average of 30 facial muscles are used in a passionate kiss, 17 of them related to the tongue.
  • It produces endorphins, considered the hormones of happiness, so it may promote a good mood and relieve stress.
  • It releases oxytocin, the hormone responsible for love, so it makes us feel that the ties in the relationship are strengthened.
  • It triggers serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters associated with falling in love and addiction.

The importance of kisses

Kisses are important because they allow us to show affection and love to our partner, which, in addition to being pleasant, strengthens the relationship. Kissing is one of the first steps in choosing a partner, so it seems clear that their functions are also focused on reproduction and nurturing.

In the same way, they allow us to obtain pleasure due to the large number of sensory neurons found in the tongue and lips. In short, kisses are essential for a pleasant passage of our life in this world.

Knowing their relevance and the benefits they generate, it is clear that you should avoid the 6 mistakes on the list when it comes to kissing. In addition, it is important to identify what you are doing wrong and propose to improve your technique every day. What are you waiting to practice?

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