5 Tips For A Home Library

In this article we will share 5 tips to design a home library in an organized, functional and beautiful way. It is key to get the most out of the space, in order to enhance the organization of the elements in a harmonious way and with a clear style.

Reading has many benefits for the brain, as it stimulates memory, prevents cognitive decline, and is a hobby that opens the mind to stories and perspectives. In an increasingly digital world, paper books are reluctant to disappear.

A library, in addition to being used to organize books, gives houses an ideal space to display collectibles, display photographs and give a very personal touch. In addition, it complements the work and study spaces and adds a professional touch to the teleworking scene, in case the camera needs to be turned on.

Types of home library

The choice of the type of library for the house should take into account space and functionality. Those that are made to measure tend to give better results, as they adapt perfectly.

However, in home stores there are also many options; even to assemble without the help of a professional. We point out some of the most common types:

  • Wall-to-wall: If you have a large space and you have a lot of books, wall-to-wall libraries are a great option. It is important that this type of library looks organized and that it is of a different color than the walls.
  • With drawers or in a showcase: this is a very practical type of bookcase because it allows you to have some items in view and store others in the drawers. Those that also have glass give a vintage or classic touch to the house.
  • With small shelves: bookcases that are made up of a couple of small shelves work very well in rooms, for example of children. They exist in different shapes, such as squares, circles, and stars.
  • Multipurpose: if you have a small space to organize your library at home, you can choose a design that has different uses. The most common are low shelves that also serve as a table.
  • Column library: this type of library is vertical and adapts to many spaces. They look great when combined with plants or vases.
  • Corner: it is a type of shelf that is designed in such a way that it adapts to the corners of the walls. It is very useful when space is limited.

Tips for having a spectacular library at home

After choosing the type of library for the home you want to have, there are some tips and aspects to consider to get the most out of it and always look good. Cleanliness is essential, because books tend to accumulate dust, especially those in high areas.

1. Define a style 

Defining a style for the library is the first step, as it must combine with the rest of the house and with the space in which it will be located. If you want a modern touch you can opt for a metal bookcase. If, on the contrary, you are looking for something classic, the wooden ones are the best option.

Unless you have a vintage or kitsch look , it’s best to select a bookcase with few ornaments. Then it will be printed with the books and objects it contains.

2. Select the shades 

Before buying a library it is important to choose the tones to match the rest of the furniture in the space and the colors of the wall. The choice of the color of the wood or the material influences the style you want to have.

Mahogany or cedar wood tones add an elegant and classic touch. The glades are sophisticated and create spacious visual effects. However, if there are children at home, it is advisable to think of more stimulating and fun colors.

An article from the School of Interior Design of the Equinoctial Technological University of Ecuador points out that in children’s libraries, color influences the mood of children. Therefore, it is advisable to handle accents in various shades.

For example, blue stimulates calm, favors reasoning and intellectual pursuit; orange stimulates creativity and the mind; green encourages discipline and balance.

3. Choose how to organize the books

The arrangement of the objects in the library is very important because it determines how easy it is to access them. You can organize the books by name, genre or size.

Likewise, it is very useful to locate them according to the frequency of use. If, for example, you have a cookbook that you consult several times a week, you should leave it on a shelf where it is easy to reach.

Another option to organize books that generates a very nice visual effect is the rainbow style. This technique consists of ordering the books in groups by color.

4. Plan the decorative objects

Libraries are often located in the study or work area, so there are elements related to education and the workplace. However, libraries are also the ideal space to keep personal items such as photographs, travel reminders, crafts, figurines and even plants.

The key to choosing is to find a balance with the visual weights. For example, you can put several grouped books on one side of the shelf and a larger object, such as a vase, on the opposite side. To achieve a pleasant aesthetic, it is convenient to look for inspiration in social networks or magazines.

5. Create good lighting 

Lighting is essential for a pleasant library. If possible, it should be located in a room with windows and good natural light. However, it is not good for lightning to touch it directly, as books can become discolored and damaged.

Having a good lamp and even bulbs embedded in the largest bookcases creates a sophisticated effect and creates a good environment for reading.

Building your library at home is an excellent alternative

After knowing some recommendations to have a spectacular library at home, an economical and stimulating option is to build it yourself with recycled materials or with wood.

You can create your shelves with wooden boxes, the kind used to store fruits, rustic boards and ropes. Also, a good sofa or chair for reading is the perfect complement.

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