5 Nutritional Benefits Of Coconut Flour

Coconut is in fashion, that is undoubtedly, and more and more people are encouraged to use coconut milk or oil in their recipes, in order to make them healthier. Today we will talk about coconut flour, an ingredient that has become essential in fitness recipes and vegan dishes

Coconut flour can replace other flours such as wheat flour to make pastry preparations such as cakes or muffins healthier, with a high content of dietary fiber, with fewer carbohydrates and with fewer calories.

What is coconut flour?

Coconut flour is a food that nourishes 100% since it  has 50% dietary fiber, proteins and minerals. In addition, the most important thing is that it has a very low carbohydrate and starch content and the fat it generates is totally healthy. Rich flavor, rich smell and very nutritious.

Among its characteristics, we can highlight:

  • It is a good alternative to wheat flour, free of gluten and lactose.
  • It contains about 45% fiber, so it favors intestinal transit.
  • It is rich in good fats, specifically, it contains a fatty acid called lauric acid, which is not harmful to cardiovascular health and also increases the levels of good cholesterol, according to an article published in the journal “Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.”
  • Less of this flour is needed for cooking, which compensates for its higher price than wheat flour.
  • It is suitable for vegans.
coconut flour

How do you get coconut flour?

Coconut is the main ingredient to make coconut flour. Coconut meat is used, it must be natural and fresh, it is pressed to obtain coconut milk and finally the oil is extracted.

Next, the completely dry meat is grated until the final result is  obtained ; which is a fine texture similar to cereal flours.  It has a coconut flavor and smell, as well as a natural and light sweetness, which will not harm your recipes, but will make your delicacies a healthy and important ingredient.

Nutritional benefits of coconut flour

1. Rich in fiber

It is a product rich in fibers, between 45 to 60 grams per 100 grams of product. It should be noted that coconut flour contains more fiber than wheat bran, chia grains, flax grains, oat bran, or prunes.

Thanks to this characteristic, this food helps intestinal transit, according to a study published in the “International Journal of Clinical Practice”. It also plays an important role in a balanced diet that aims to reduce cholesterol and helps accelerate the feeling of satiety.

2. Contains trace elements

It is rich in selenium, an interesting trace element for its power to reduce the production of free radicals. 10 grams of coconut flour provide 21% of the recommended daily intake for an adult.

Manganese is present in this coconut-derived ingredient. This trace element plays an important role in many nutrients; specifically, vitamins B8, C, B1 have great anti-free radical power.

It also contains iron in small amounts. This trace element cannot be synthesized by the body, the diet must, therefore, cover the iron needs.

Grated coconut.

3. Contains a high amount of lauric acid

Coconut flour contains lauric acid , which is a very particular saturated fatty acid. Lauric acid acts as a stimulant to activate the immune system and the thyroid glands.

The antimicrobial properties of this fatty acid are being studied in viruses such as HIV, herpes or measles. Additionally, several of the coconut fats are separated from the oil to be sold separately due to their high value. Lauric acid is sold to the industrial and pharmaceutical sector

4. Rich in protein

This is how it becomes satiating flour .  You can get 5 grams of protein in two tablespoons of coconut flour. The fat present in coconut flour will activate the metabolism to help you not store fat and burn calories, which is why it is a healthy fat.

5. Contains no gluten or cholesterol

Thanks to this, intolerant or sensitive people can consume it. Vegetarians and vegans will note that it contains 20% protein, and contains all 8 essential amino acids. Coconut flour has a very low glycemic index: 35.

It is poor in fast sugars (14% compared to 70% of other flours that also contain starch), therefore it is ideal for those who watch their blood glucose rate (diabetes, and those who want to lose weight).

Add coconut flour to your desserts

In addition to its captivating aroma, coconut flour has properties and health benefits. That is why if your intention is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have to know that coconut should be part of your new life.

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