5 Natural Solutions To Reduce White Stretch Marks

White stretch marks are visible marks on the skin, with an appearance similar to scars, which are produced by the stretching and deterioration of the elastic fibers that make up the tissue.

Dr Sweta Rai from the British Association of Dermatologists explains that stretch marks appear when there is a breakdown in collagen in the skin.

They appear frequently among pregnant and overweight women, although they can affect anyone due to hormonal changes, dehydration and deficiency of some nutrients.

White stretch marks are usually located in areas susceptible to sagging, such as the buttocks, legs and abdomen, although they can also appear on the breasts, arms and other visible areas of the body.

While white stretch marks are not a serious problem, they can be smoothed out with cosmetic treatments.

Fortunately, in addition to the expensive commercial creams, there are several natural solutions that provide similar effects without causing adverse reactions to the skin.

Do you dare to try them? Discover 5 interesting options.

1. Horsetail

horse tail

Medicinal horsetail alcohol can help against white stretch marks that are just beginning to form.

The silicon in horsetail helps to tone the skin and improve circulation for an optimal regeneration process.


  • 5 tablespoons of horsetail (75 g)
  • 1 cup of alcohol (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml)


  • Add the horsetail to a glass jar and cover with the rubbing alcohol and lemon juice.
  • Let the product marinate for a month, in a cool, dark place.

How to use

  • After the maceration time, filter the liquid and apply it on the areas affected by stretch marks.
  • Leave it on for 40 minutes and clean the area with a damp washcloth.
  • Repeat its use every day, before going to bed.

Note:  If you find it irritating, you can reduce it with equal parts water .

2. Carrot and honey

Due to its high content of vitamins A and C, amino acids and enzymes, this carrot and honey mask is one of the best homemade creams to reduce stretch marks.

Its nutrients help repair broken fibers and allow you to achieve a skin with a more uniform tone.


  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Boil the carrot to soften it and form a puree.
  • Mix it with the tablespoons of honey until you get a homogeneous paste.

Application mode

  • Rub the cream on the stretch marks and leave it on for 40 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water and repeat its use at least 3 times a week.

3. Peach and olive oil


The antioxidants in peach bind with the fatty acids in olive oil to provide effective help against white stretch marks and scars.

Its direct application nourishes the cells and reduces the loss of firmness.


  • 2 ripe peaches
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • Crush the pulp of the peaches and mix it with the olive oil.

Application mode

  • Spread the cream on the stretch marks and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water and repeat its use 3 times a week.

4. Potato and lemon juice

Natural potato juice is a remedy with many benefits for skin care. It can help against allergies, to reduce cell damage and reduce blemishes or aggressions.

In this treatment we enhance its effects with the lightening power of lemon juice to achieve a more effective formula against stretch marks.


  • 2 potatoes
  • The juice of ½ lemon


  • Peel the potatoes and extract the juice.
  • Add the lemon and mix well until well integrated.

Application mode

  • At night, before going to bed, apply the treatment on the areas affected by stretch marks.
  • Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Use it every day, or at least 3 times a week.

Note:  This remedy should only be used at night to avoid subsequent skin exposure to the sun.

5. Sage oil and wheat germ oil

wheat germ oil

This homemade cream rich in vitamin E, fatty acids and amino acids helps to regenerate skin cells to reduce the presence of stretch marks and scars.


  • 6 tablespoons of sage oil (90 g)
  • 4 tablespoons of wheat germ oil (60 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of lanolin (30 g)


  • Put all the ingredients in a heat-resistant container and leave them on low heat for 2 or 3 minutes.
  • Stir everything so that it integrates well and let it rest at room temperature.

Application mode

  • Rub the cream on the stretch marks, until it is well absorbed.
  • Leave it to act without rinsing until the next morning.
  • Use it every night before going to bed.

Do stretch marks make you uncomfortable? Do you want to show off smoother and more even skin? Feel free to include these natural treatments in your beauty routine.

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