5 Keys To Running Healthy In Summer

To run healthy in summer, you just need to use common sense. High temperatures have different effects on the body. What is essential is to protect yourself from dehydration and skin conditions.

Summer is ideal to dedicate time to sports and running , which are complete physical activities. However, it is also a time when you have to take precautions. Running healthy during this season means protecting yourself from the negative effects that high temperatures can bring.

The ideal is to do sports all year round. Throughout the summer holidays, many people take the opportunity to do physical activities more frequently, since it is also time for rest. The problem is that today the weather has turned unfavorable and can often threaten health.

To enjoy and run healthy in summer you just have to take obvious precautions. It’s nothing from the other world. In particular, use common sense and apply the following recommendations. Keep reading!

1. Time, an important factor

running woman

This may sound cliché , but it is very important to be aware that the hottest hours are not suitable for demanding physical activities, much less when temperatures above 30 ºC may be recorded, as has happened in recent years. .

If you want to run or exercise in a healthy way in summer, it is advisable not to do it between noon and 6 in the afternoon (18 hours). On the other hand, it is best to do it in the first hours of the morning and the first hours of the night, since they are the coolest and least risky periods of time.

2. Run healthy in summer and protect your skin

An attractive summer tan never hurts. What is not okay is recklessly exposing yourself to the sun and causing problems for your skin. Although it is customary to use sunscreen, in summer this becomes a non-negotiable obligation.

As stated in a study published in 2003, sunlight under circumstances causes harmful effects on the skin, such as: sunburn, photoaging, photodermatosis, immunosuppression, among other pathological skin conditions.

Therefore, it is important to choose the appropriate Sun Protection Factor (SPF). This is the number that appears next to the acronym FPS on the product packaging. If multiplied by the time it would take for the skin to burn under normal conditions, this will indicate the time of action of the protector. Thus, the SPF that best suits each person’s skin and plans must be chosen.

It is best to apply the sunscreen half an hour before going out, so that it gives the skin time to absorb it. Broad spectrum protectors are indicated for all levels of solar radiation.

3. Hydration is essential

One of the most disturbing aspects of dehydration is that it often starts and progresses without people noticing. When it shows, it is usually already a risk. Therefore, regardless of whether you feel thirsty or not, you have to hydrate all the time. Running healthy in summer involves consuming fluids on a very constant basis.

An investigation carried out by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Diet Societies (FESNAD) showed that water, in addition to hydrating and being even more essential than food, helps balance the physiological processes of digestion, absorption and elimination of indigestible metabolic waste, and also the structure and function of the circulatory system.

It also transports nutrients, has a direct action in maintaining body temperature, improves cognitive aspects, physical performance and thermoregulation.

The best option is to drink plain water, unless you are going to do a too demanding workout. In that case isotonic drinks are advisable. The drink should be taken before, during and after running .

4. Sensible physical activity

running stretch

Summer is not the best time to perform great physical feats. Unless you are a highly competitive athlete, the most advisable option is to practice conservatively. It is not necessary to do a marathon and if you want to, it is recommended to try it at another time of year.

Running healthy in summer means doing it in moderation and unpretentious. If you feel the need to do more physical activity, it could try stretching and strengthening exercises. They also have great effects and come in handy at this time of year.

5. Appropriate clothing

It is necessary to wear garments that offer comfort and that allow perspiration without overheating. The best options are cotton fabrics and similar textiles.

Also, there are fibers that allow sweat to wick away splendidly. This is positive, since the accumulated sweat could cause problems on the skin, in addition to generating unnecessary discomfort.

Bonus : beware of “creativity”

There are people who get creative with their weight during the summer. They have a bad concept that if you sweat like a shower, you will lose more pounds. For this reason, they advise others to put on a lot of clothes and go for a run at 3 in the afternoon.

It is crucial to know that the only thing that is going to be lost is a significant amount of water in the body. And with that, the body is exposed to severe dehydration. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to take into account what has been said from the beginning and that has been supported by scientific evidence.

To conclude, do you like to practice physical activities during all times of the year? Take into account hydrating the body a lot, not exposing the skin without sunscreen to the sun’s rays and enjoying the summer.

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