5 Exercises For A Patient With Hypertension

It is recommended that a patient with hypertension try to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes the regular practice of exercise, as it helps both to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and also helps to gain general well-being.

However, as each person is different, before a patient with hypertension begins a particular exercise program, it is good to consult with his doctor, so that he can offer all the relevant guidelines and recommendations.

If you have hypertension and have already talked with your doctor about the type of exercise that works best for you, then you may consider integrating the exercises that we are going to discuss next into your routine.

What is hypertension?

When the heart exerts pressure on the arteries, they lead blood to the different organs of the human body. This action is known as “blood pressure.”

The maximum pressure is obtained in each contraction of the heart and is called “systolic pressure”, while the minimum is received with each relaxation and is known as “diastolic pressure”.

So, hypertension is the elevation of pressure levels in the blood on a continuous or sustained basis.

Man measuring blood pressure.

Benefits of sports practice in a patient with hypertension

Contrary to popular belief, it is not harmful or counterproductive to increase your heart rate when suffering from hypertension through exercise. Now, what is the story behind this?

It is interesting to know that in 1989, after several studies, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Arterial Hypertension recommended for the first time the performance of exercises within the non-pharmacological prevention of this condition. The results were very positive and therefore this recommendation is maintained. 

The experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation affirm that physical exercise is ideal in the treatment and prevention of hypertension. This is because it lowers blood pressure levels, improves fitness, and at the same time reduces the risk of various health problems, such as cardiovascular disease.

The Spanish Society of Hypertension published a study indicating the reasons why regular physical exercise is beneficial for patients:

  • Your physical condition will improve as well as your mental health.
  • Progressively, patients will feel more spirited and energetic.
  • They will be able to maintain a good weight (depending on their body mass index) and thus prevent problems such as overweight, obesity, as well as problems with cholesterol and glucose.

How and what exercises to do?

The key is that it is of a moderate intensity, constant and under the consent of a specialist. People with hypertension who do not have heart failure can do moderate-exertion exercises such as jogging at a good pace 3-4 days a week at 20-25 minute intervals.

For people with blood pressure, exercises that include several rhythmic and aerobic muscle groups are effective, for example: walking, dancing, running, swimming, and cycling.

Read: How to change your lifestyle if you have hypertension

Exercises that a patient with hypertension can do

Couple running outdoors

1. Riding a bike

Riding a bike is an ideal exercise for resistance training. Blood pressure increases at the beginning of this practice, although in the long term it may drop to its lowest level. Therefore, it is beneficial for a patient with hypertension.

Additionally, this type of exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. On the other hand, it especially tones the muscles of the legs and back, which prevents the joints from being overloaded.

2. Dancing

Dancing is an activity that can be very beneficial for a patient with hypertension both physically and mentally. This is because it improves cardiovascular capacity and helps lower cholesterol levels. In addition, it reduces stress, which is usually one of the triggers for hypertension.

As stated in a study carried out by specialists from the HT and Cardiovascular Risk Unit, there is evidence that there are psychological factors (such as stress and anxiety, for example) that influence hypertension. Therefore, it is advisable to also take care of the mental health of a patient with hypertension.

3. Walk

The health benefits of hiking are indisputable. It helps to clear the mind and release both physical and mental tension and at the same time, it favors the burning of calories, the increase of muscle tone and the maintenance of bone mass. Therefore, walking helps increase people’s well-being in many ways.

4. Running

Walking or running for 30-60 minutes a day are physical exercises that are also highly recommended for a patient with hypertension because it helps to improve blood pressure levels. According to the experts of the Spanish Heart Foundation, it would be recommended that you practice them between three and five times a week. 

5. Swim

correct breathing when swimming

The Spanish Heart Foundation also comments that swimming can be a recommended sport for a patient with hypertension, since in addition to improving physical condition, it helps reduce stress and anxiety levels. However, they warn:

Daily exercise is beneficial

As you have seen, daily exercise is very beneficial for your health. Even more so if it is combined with the practice of other good lifestyle habits and the doctor’s instructions.

If you suffer from hypertension, choose the type of exercise that you like or attract your attention and start integrating it into your routine to start taking full advantage of its benefits. Remember that you can also practice different types of exercise so as not to get bored.

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