5 Everyday Habits That Cause Breasts To Sag

It is clear that we cannot fight against time and that, sooner or later, we will have to accept old age with all its symptoms as another stage in our life. Taking this into account, we are very clear that our breasts will not be the same after 40 or 60 years, because with the passage of time they lose their firmness and there will come a time when the sagging of the breasts will be inevitable.

However, every day we can work to delay this sign of aging and prevent its early appearance, since many of the habits we have on a daily basis could cause them to fall out before they should.

There are many factors that threaten the firmness, tone and youth of the breasts. Also influencing, for example, the size of the same, the number of babies who breastfeed, drastic changes in weight and even the type of bra used. However, most women tend to ignore other overwhelming factors that can accelerate breast sagging.

The breasts are one of our weapons of attraction, seduction and sensuality; Giving them proper care and having good habits could be key to keeping them young for longer. Here we share the habits that you should avoid if you do not want your breasts to sag.

Habits that promote sagging breasts

Wearing an inappropriate bra

This is one of the most common and ignored habits out there. Bras are made of flexible materials that easily adapt to our body. However, many do not wear the correct size and a poor fit can cause sagging breasts.

Ideally, look for a bra of the right size, which fits perfectly, but without being too tight. Up to 80% of women wear an inappropriate bra. Are you part of that group?

To smoke

Stop smoking

Smoking is a vice that, in addition to affecting our general health, also causes the skin to lose its elasticity, which causes the breasts to sag.

This bad habit reduces the amount of collagen in the skin and impairs blood circulation. This causes the skin to wear easily and the signs of aging appear prematurely.

Losing and gaining weight repeatedly

Just drastically losing weight causes skin to lose firmness and reduce body fat. Breasts are made up of glands and fat, which is why losing weight can cause them to sag easily.

In relation to this, there is almost always a sagging of the breasts when there is a diet in which you repeatedly lose and gain weight. If we do not have a diet that balances our weight, a tension is generated in the skin and the result will be sagging breasts.

Therefore, the ideal is to try to maintain a stable weight through a balanced diet.

Not protect yourself from the sun

Despite the many warnings that have been made about the risks of direct sun exposure, there are still many who do not use a good sunscreen to take care of their skin and their health. This bad habit also affects the firmness of the breasts, since the neckline is precisely one of those that receives the most direct rays of the sun.

These rays cause the skin to burn, wrinkle and age prematurely. Ideally, apply a good sunscreen before exposing yourself to UV rays, and try to avoid exposing yourself to the sun as much as possible.

Not exercising and having poor posture

Exercise is one of the keys to having firm, round and strong breasts. However, it is very important to know how to work this area of ​​the body well. Repetitive back and forth movements can cause the breasts to sag easily as the collagen that supports the breasts is reduced.

Therefore, it  is important to ensure that you support your breasts during high-impact exercise sessions and generally take care of your posture throughout the day. Maintaining good posture both when walking and sitting is also key to keeping your breasts firm; likewise, you should keep your back straight and your breasts lifted.


As you can see, there are a lot of everyday things that can be influencing the firmness of your breasts. Healthy habits such as a balanced diet, not smoking and exercising, as well as a good choice of bra can help you avoid premature sagging of the breasts.

If you want to know about the medical procedure for breast lift visit: Breast lift

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