3 Jams With Fruits That Do Not Need Sugar

Fruit jams do not necessarily have to include sugar in their preparation, since there are many fruits with a flavor, in itself, quite sweet; such is the case of mango, banana, apple and many more.

The key is knowing how to take advantage of these fruits and combine them with certain ingredients that can make the pulp acquire the thickness and consistency of a jam.

1. Jam with various fruits and chia

The first recipe for jams with fruits that we present below has, as a secret ingredient, chia seeds. And because? Very easy, these seeds help to turn any fruit pulp into a jam; that is, they have a gelling effect thanks to their mucilage.


  • 2 cups of strawberries (300 g).
  • Zest of 1 orange.
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (15 g).
  • 2 cups of fresh orange juice (500 ml).
  • Water (required amount).
  • Optional: instead of just using water, you can opt for coconut or almond milk.


    Jars of different jams

    1. We wash, drain and chop the strawberries.
    2. We take the orange and grate the skin. We reserved on a plate.
    3. In a pot over medium heat, place the strawberries together with the natural orange juice. We will let the juice reach the boiling point and then we lower the intensity of the flame so that it does not evaporate.
    4. While the fruits are cooking, we proceed to crush them with the help of a wooden spoon. The idea is to obtain a kind of puree. Add water little by little to hydrate the pulp without making it completely liquid.
    5. We let everything cook for approximately 10 minutes. We will notice that the liquid will begin to thicken more and more.
    6. Once the 10 minutes have elapsed, we add the chia seeds and the orange zest and stir everything for two more minutes.
    7. Next, we remove the pot from the heat and let the fruit jam rest at room temperature. If it was too thick, we can add a splash of water and stir.

    2. Jam with red fruitsIngredients

    • 1 cup of strawberries (150 g).
    • 1 ⅓ cups of lingonberries (200 g).
    • 1 cup of raspberries (150 g).
    • 3 teaspoons of lemon juice (15 g).
    • Optional: 1 red apple.
    • Oat or almond drink (required amount).


    jams with fruits

    1. First, we wash and chop all the pieces of fruit. Next, we proceed to crush all the pieces with the help of a spoon. We can also process them with the help of a hand mixer.
    2. We place a pot with a little water to heat, add the fruit pulp and let them reach their boiling point. We will stir occasionally so that there are no lumps.
    3. Pour in the lemon juice and half a cup of oatmeal drink and let all the ingredients cook for approximately 15 or 20 minutes.
    4. Once the fruit jam reaches the desired thickness, turn off the heat and let it rest for a couple of minutes at room temperature.

    3. Double recipe for jams with fruits and coconut


    • 1 bunch of bananas (600 g).
    • Coconut water (the necessary amount).
    • ¼ cup of grated coconut (50 g).
    • 1 glass of natural mango juice (200 ml).
    • Optional: 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g), 1 teaspoon of peeled almonds (5 g).


    1. In a small bowl, place the coconut zest and natural mango juice. We let it sit overnight in the refrigerator so that it hydrates well.
    2. The next day, we proceed to peel and cut the bananas into pieces. Then we will process them with the help of the hand mixer (or, with a spoon).
    3. Next, we will mix the banana pulp with the coconut zest, we will add a little coconut water so that the mixture can be made a little more flexible. If we wish, sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon over the mixture.
    4. We bring the pulp to cook in a pot over medium heat for 10 minutes. We add coconut water as many times as necessary so that the mixture does not dry out too much ; We will do it while stirring, with slow and enveloping movements.
    5. We lower the flame and let everything sit for a couple more minutes.
    6. We turn off the fire and let it cool down to room temperature.

    Of all the recipes that we have presented for unsweetened fruit jams, the third is the one with the sweetest flavor due to its two main ingredients: mango juice and bananas. Both fruits are, in themselves, sweet, so it is very easy to obtain a jam from them to which you do not need to add any type of sweetener.

    Go ahead and prepare your own jams with fruits and you will see what good flavors you will get!

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