3 Benefits Of Peanuts

It is positive to introduce nuts regularly in the diet. These contain essential nutrients that improve the functioning of the body and help prevent certain diseases. Next we will explain the benefits of peanuts, which are among the most consumed.

When choosing them in the market, it is important that we opt for those that are presented in their natural state. For this reason, it is necessary to discard those that have been toasted or contain salt and sugar, since they are considered processed and their nutritional value is modified.

The benefits of consuming peanuts

We are going to explain the 3 greatest benefits that the consumption of peanuts brings to the body. All of them are based on the intake of a particular nutrient. Keep reading!

1. They contain protein

Proteins are the nutrients that are responsible for maintaining muscle mass. Its regular intake has been shown to reduce the risk of developing pathologies that lead to atrophy of lean tissue, such as sarcopenia.

To ensure protein consumption, it is necessary to include food from animals in the diet. However, these nutrients can also be found in the plant kingdom.

Two examples of high-protein products are legumes and peanuts. In any case, the protein quality of vegetables is lower than that of animal foods. This is because digestibility decreases, that is, the ability to absorb them. Furthermore, they do not contain all the essential amino acids that the body is unable to manufacture.

The best thing is to introduce peanuts in the framework of a varied diet, to complete the protein intake. Thus, deficiencies are prevented and an excessive intake of food from animals is prevented.

Peanuts are rich in protein.

2. Its fatty acids prevent cardiovascular problems

In addition to protein, peanuts stand out for containing omega 3 fatty acids in their composition. There is sufficient evidence to affirm that these nutrients have anti-inflammatory capacity.

An investigation published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews succeeded in showing that the consumption of lipids from the omega 3 series is capable of reducing the incidence of cardiovascular problems. For this reason, they are relevant in the diets recommended for patients with a history of heart disease.

We must not forget that accidents related to this body system are one of the main causes of death in the world. For this reason, the consumption of peanuts, together with olive oil, is positive for reducing risk.

3. They contain important minerals

Minerals are often undervalued because they are found in low amounts in food. However, peanuts are capable of providing a metal of special importance to the body: zinc.

This nutrient is related to the metabolism of testosterone. Presenting a deficiency in it leads to fertility problems or a difficulty in generating muscle mass.

Correcting zinc levels has been shown to reduce deficiencies in the production of the main male hormone, as demonstrated in a study published in the journal Metabolism . Women also have testosterone circulating in their blood and it is not something exclusive to men, so the entire population is favored.

How to introduce peanuts in the diet?

Another benefit of peanuts is that they can be included in the diet in many different ways. They can be consumed in any snack. However, it is important not to add more than a handful, given its high energy content.

On the other hand, you can get peanut butter at the supermarket. This product is spread on a slice of bread or a rice pancake to enjoy breakfast.

When choosing a peanut butter, it is essential to look at the labeling. There are some that contain sugars in their composition, which reduces the nutritional value of the product. The ideal is to choose the one that only presents the fruit among its ingredients.

Even in some cultures, peanuts are used as an accompaniment to main meals. This practice is characteristic of Thai cuisine, where nuts are another ingredient to use in culinary preparations.

Peanut butter.

Peanuts are nuts with health benefits

As you have seen, including peanuts in your diet is beneficial for your health. These nuts can enrich the diet and complete the supply of nutrients, which reduces the risk of protein deficiencies.

Despite the fact that nuts were not considered healthy for many years, this myth has now been debunked. The fats they contain are beneficial for health, so it is necessary to promote their consumption.

Introduce these foods into the diet, both in the main meals and in the snacks. Remember that if you opt for peanut butter, you have to pay special attention to its labeling, so as not to consume a product of poor quality.

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