20 Tips To Take Care Of Your Back

Taking care of the back is something necessary today, since pain in this part of the body is very common.

Whether it’s due to stress, poor posture or suffering from osteoporosis, it is an annoying reality that, little by little, is hampering our quality of life. According to experts, in most cases it is possible to prevent back pain, hence we encourage you to know what keys can help you.

Only about 15% of people have a serious back condition that needs treatment. In these cases, you should always consult your doctor to make a correct diagnosis.

The rest of us can avoid and prevent back pain by changing habits in our routine and incorporating some simple postural hygiene tips. These will help us to rest better, have a more agile mobility and, ultimately, a higher quality in our day to day. Let’s see it!

How can I take care of my back and avoid having pain?

Take care of your posture while working or performing tasks

1. If you have to sit for a long time, try to make the chair have a back with which your legs are at a 90º angle. Always keep your back straight, trying to be comfortable, but taking care of your position.

It is important to keep your back straight to avoid back pain.

2. Avoid leaning forward, hunching your neck and back. We usually do it without realizing it and at the end of the day we end up noticing it. If you are going to be sitting for a long time, put a small cushion behind your back if you can, this relaxes the muscles   avoiding that they are in tension.

3. Every hour do a few stretches.  Roll your shoulders, turn your head left and right, stretch your back. It is necessary that, while you are at your job, you move your body. Otherwise, your muscles and bones will end up being loaded with tension.

4. It is also advisable that from time to time you cross your legs, changing the crossing from one to the other every 15 or 20 minutes. The key is to offer your body mobility from time to time.

5. Never sit on the edge of chairs or armchairs. Doing so will cause your vertebrae to suffer. If the chair has arms, do not lean for a long time on one side more than the other.

6. If possible, try to get up every hour to walk a little. Go to the bathroom, go to the machine to buy a soda or coffee… Whenever possible, try to walk, even if it is a few small steps every hour.

Be careful when bending over or lifting weights!

7. Avoid carrying excessive weights, you can injure your back.

8. When you bend down, bend your knees, always keeping your back straight or vertical without bending your spine.

People lifting weights.

9. When you go to pick up an object or load from the ground, take it with both hands and bring it  close to your body, and then get up little by little. Try to remember it, sometimes we do it automatically and these kinds of little things are what end up causing back pain.

10. If you have to drag something and it weighs a lot, always wear it close to your body and at the height of the waist. This will prevent any injury from appearing.

When you are standing …

11. Change the support of your feet every 15 to 20 minutes.

12. Take small steps from time to time to avoid immobility. In this case, you can also bend your knees a little when you do this.

13. Remember that your spine must always be straight, whether you are sitting or standing.

Tips for when you go to sleep

14. Remember that the best position to sleep is on your side or on your back, never on your stomach, since you end up straining your cervicals and neck.

Correct and incorrect positions for sleeping.

15. Use a pillow between your feet. It is ideal to take care of your back. In these cases, the head should be neither too bent nor too extended.

Beware of stress!

16. The probability of suffering back pain increases when we suffer from stress, since this can cause the appearance of muscle contractures. In addition, our nervous structures are more sensitive and pain is perceived with greater intensity.

17. The first thing we will have to do is learn to manage this stress. A very positive way to relieve tension and take care of our back in these cases, can be to practice swimming or yoga.

Other tips of interest

18. Avoid tight clothing and high heels. Always look for your own comfort, this will make us avoid taking wrong postures that end up damaging our back. Always wear comfortable shoes as much as possible.


19. Avoid being overweight.  Obsesity makes our muscles and bones have to bear more weight than they should, resulting in pain and injury. Eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, fiber, and vegetables.

20. Play a sport.  This way we will avoid the rigidity of our body, and we will alleviate tensions of the day. Half an hour a day will suffice. Always start with gentle stretches and then go for a walk, bike ride, swim, or even dance. If you do it in the company of another person, it will be easier for you.

Have you already taken note of these tips to take care of your back? If so, do not hesitate to put them into practice, but if the pain persists, go to your doctor so he can advise you on your specific case.

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